You must be able to create your business for the development of society. The goal is to keep the business relevant and always needed by many people. We can help you build a business that is meaningful to you and drives revenue!

Mentorship is key for BIPOC entrepreneurs and business owners to unlock their full potential. Learning from those who have demonstrated success and broken through failures allows others to reach success in less time. With our growing network, we connect you to those who can help you build a business that is meaningful to you and drives revenue!
From our MWBE certification support and expanding classes and workshops in Marketing, Legal, Finance, Procurement, Operations, and Accounting, we can assist members in all critical areas of development.

Traditional loans, while useful are not often favorable to BIPOC entrepreneurs. Innovative solutions such as Crowd-Funding, Revenue/Equity-Based Financing and even new-age Grants allow for our members access funding in a variety of ways. We help you find the right solution for your business needs.
Having the right information at the right time is critical to success. But what if you are starting from scratch or need a refresher? With topics from "So you want to be an entrepreneur", and "Discovering Your Customer" to "Understanding Quickbooks" and "The 1-Page Business Plan" The Exchange has got you covered.

Quick Resources to help you
Dedicated Services for immediate issues
Small Business Legal Clinic
The Exchange is proud to provide free business law services to BIPOC entrepreneurs and business owners in Buffalo, New York, in partnership with the Western New York Law Center.
The mission of the SBLC is to promote neighborhood revitalization and socioeconomic mobility by providing low-income entrepreneurs with the legal services they need in order to thrive.
If you would like to schedule an appointment, complete our Legal Clinic Intake Form
below to book your spot today!
Small Business LOAN Clinic
The Exchange is proud to provide free small business loan advisory services to BIPOC entrepreneurs and business owners in Buffalo, New York, in partnership with a series of local CDFIs.
If you would like to schedule an appointment, complete our Loan Clinic Intake Form
below to book your spot today!
Small Business FINANCE Clinic
The Exchange is proud to provide free small business finance advisory services to BIPOC entrepreneurs and business owners in Buffalo, New York, in partnership with nonprofit Operation HOPE.
Operation HOPE helps small business owners access credit & capital by reviewing your credit report, setting up a business budget, & establishing procedures to help manage your personal & business finances. Sit down with a personal Small Business Coach by scanning the QR code below to schedule your appointment today. All services are at no cost.
If you would like to schedule an appointment, complete our Finance Clinic Intake Form
below to book your spot today!
Small Business CREDIT Clinic
The Exchange is proud to provide FREE personal credit counseling and money management 1-on-1 services to BIPOC business owners in Buffalo, New York in partnership with Elisa Plan
for personal credit counseling and Parachute for business credit counseling.
If you would like to schedule an appointment, complete our Credit Clinic Intake Form
below to book your spot today!
Small Business TAX Clinic
The Exchange is proud to provide FREE tax advisory services to BIPOC business owners in Buffalo, New York in partnership with Advance Tax Services, LLC.
If you would like to schedule an appointment, complete our Tax Clinic Intake Form
below to book your spot today!
Small Business INSURANCE Clinic
The Exchange is proud to provide FREE insurance advisory services to BIPOC business owners in Buffalo, New York in partnership with Lawley Insurance.
If you would like to schedule an appointment, complete our Insurance Clinic Intake Form
below to book your spot today!
Small Business GRANTS Clinic
The Exchange is proud to provide FREE grant advisory services to BIPOC business owners in Buffalo, New York in partnership with Lawley Insurance.
If you would like to schedule an appointment, complete our Grants Clinic Intake Form
below to book your spot today!
Small Business MWBE Clinic
The Exchange is proud to provide a FREE 8-week session for BIPOC business owners in Buffalo looking to become New York State certified as minority, woman-owned business.
If you would like to be added to the program waitlist,
complete our MWBE Clinic Intake Form below today!
Small Business Website Clinic
Need web design help? The Exchange is proud to offer free website advisory services to BIPOC business owners in Buffalo, New York.
If you would like to schedule an appointment, complete our Website Clinic Intake Form
below to book your spot today!
Small Business CO-OPS Clinic
Curious on how to start a co-op small business? The Exchange is proud to offer free cooperative advisory services to BIPOC business owners in Buffalo, New York.
If you would like to schedule an appointment, complete our Co-Ops Clinic Intake Form
below to book your spot today!
Small Business QUICKBOOKS Clinic
Need to learn how to balance your books? The Exchange is proud to offer a free QuickBooks Academy Certification to BIPOC business owners in Buffalo, New York.
To apply for consideration, complete our QuickBooks Clinic Intake Form
below to book your spot today!
Small Business TRADEMARK Clinic
Got IP questions? The Exchange is proud to provide free small business trademark advisory services to assist business owners with registration via the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO), in partnership with Latasha Lessington, Esq.
To apply for consideration, complete our Trademark Clinic Intake Form
below to book your spot today!